Corporate Governance

Procedure for Election of Directors

The following is the procedure for shareholders of GCL Technology Holding Co., Ltd. ("the Company") to nominate candidates for the company's board of directors. This procedure is subject to the company's bylaws and applicable laws and regulations.

Procedure for a shareholder to propose a person for election as a director

The following procedure is subject to the company's articles of association and applicable laws and regulations.

1. If a duly qualified shareholder attending and voting at a general meeting convened for the appointment/election of directors wishes to propose a person (other than the shareholder himself) for election as a director at the meeting, he may submit a written request to the company's main office, located at Unit 1703B-1706, 17th Floor, Kowloon, Hong Kong, or any other address as the company may from time to time notify, for the attention of the company's company secretary.

2. In order to enable the Company to inform all shareholders about the proposal, the written notice must state the full name of the person proposed for election as a director, the details of his biography as required by Listing Rule 13.51(2), and must be signed by the relevant shareholder and the person concerned, confirming his intention to stand for election.

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